Category Archives: Affirmations

Your Thinking Makes It So!

“It’s the predominant thoughts you think that affect you. The thoughts you give precedence to are the ones that control who you are, what you feel, what you do and what you have. What you think most of the time is what shapes you and your character. It is you!

Your thoughts create your circumstances. Your thinking determines your results and your ultimate destiny. Your thinking determines whether you have problems or discover opportunities. Your thinking determines whether you failed or learned a lesson. Your thinking!

Your thinking makes it so. Does that mean if you think you can fly, you can? No. It means you react to situations either positively, and resourceful, or you do not. You either take charge and feel like a victor, or you do not. You make your breaks or you fail to.

You Are Today Where Your Thoughts Have Brought You

Some people always want to make excuses by providing extreme examples. Like, ‘if god is all-powerful can god create a rock so big god can’t pick it up? They use arguments, reasons, like this to justify why they won’t, or don’t, do something. It’s an excuse, a reason not to!

This is the bottom line. Either your thinking supports, uplifts and helps you move forward to get what you want, AND, makes you feel good enough to go after what you want, or it does not. It either helps and supports or detracts and hinders. Get it? Only two possibilities.

You either think good and feel good or you don’t. If you aren’t feeling good, check what you are thinking about. It will become pretty apparent. You won’t be thinking gloriously, wonderful, positive powerful thoughts. All you need to do is look at what you do.

You Will Be Tomorrow Where Today’s Thoughts Take You

If you are feeling bad you are thinking about what you don’t want. You’re focused on how circumstances are bad, there is a problem, or an area that feels wrong, or unhealthy. You are focused on hurt, or anger or sadness or fear or suffering; something less than glorious.

Want to feel better? Then think better! Want to be happy? Then think happy thoughts. Want to make more money and be successful? Then think you can be successful and live abundantly. Think I can and I will instead of I can’t and I won’t. Think successful thoughts!

You’ll feel better. Change ‘I can’, to ‘I will’, to ‘I am doing it’, to ‘I have done it and it feels wonderful’. Step by step you make progress. Think good, inspiring, motivating, positive  thoughts and you will feel good, inspired and motivated. Think otherwise, and you won’t!

You Can’t Escape The Power Of Your Thoughts

If you think ‘I can’t’, ‘I don’t feel like it’, ‘I don’t want to’, ‘I won’t’, you’ll remain where you are or get worse. It’ simple. Change your thinking and you can change your circumstances and life. Go back and read through these blogs to learn more about how you can do it!

Now, go ahead and do it. It isn’t a trick, technique or magic pill. It is a conditioning process, just as exercise it. You do it repeatedly and correctly for long enough. You don’t eat one time and say you tried it. You eat to maintain health. You think repeatedly positive thoughts to maintain mental health. Get it? I hope so.  Now, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Your Vision Becomes Prophecy

“What more can be said. This quote I share says it all. The power you seek is within you. If you can imagine it you can make it happen. You have to initiate it. Most of us have been trained or conditioned out of it through social conditioning. Shed that. Live with the power!

“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your Ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.” James Allen

Settle for nothing less. Create what you want to create. Make good things happen and you will. Others have known this. Others are doing this purposefully or by accident. Isn’t it time you learned to create the life you want too? Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS When You Want To Change Consider Enrolling In Mind Design™

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What’s Stopping You’ is a life changing 22 minute audio MP3 that helps you go beyond limitations, break through obstacles and make positive changes to get the results you want! Get it! It is Free!

Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
When You Learn Self Control You Can Master Anything!

DO YOU WANT MENTORING AND COACHING ? Those interested in learning more, come join me now in Mind Design™! Send email or leave comments, but reach out NOW! New programs available.

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

That Fussy Law Of Creation And How To Get It To Work!

“Imagine you want to build a statue. You conceive of a statue of a tree. You gather the materials and begin to work. The you think, better if it were a bird. So you start making the bird. When you realize you really prefer a squirrel. You adjust and then decide again.

You should make a man. Off you go. BUT then a woman would be nice. So you conform. This is the nature of the mind. It flits from this to that. You have to harness it and direct it to make things happen. When you ultimately decide is when you will create that.

In the meantime you will be in flux. It will be this and then that but you will never really get ahead. Herein is the problem with not focusing your thought, aiming your thought on what you really want to create. You must decide, get clear, absolutely want it.

You Get What You Think About – What You Focus On Expands

Then plan to have it. Do you think the pyramids would ever exist if every few years the ruler changed his mind? Absolutely not. You conceive it, make a blueprint and work the blueprint. As good as the plan is will be as good as the creation is. Get it? It is all your mind.

Conceive it. Believe it and you can achieve it. Stay focused and you will make it happen. If you aren’t deliberate or sure of what you want you will only create chaos or confusion. You must first imagine it as finished. Completed. The plan how to accomplish it. Otherwise…

You either make things happen or you don’t. You either expand or contract. You are either living or dying. You either move forward or backwards. Those who attempt to do both mess things up, at least for awhile until they decide on the direction they want to move in. Get it? Do it! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

You Only Need To Ask Once Damnit!

“You only need to ask once. Yes, I know, some of you have had children and are in the habit of asking them to do something many times. Some grew up begging their families for things over and over. But you know what, with the universe you only have to ask once.

I ordered some CDs the other day. I ordered one of each, one time. I didn’t keep reordering my CDs. I placed the order and now wait for them to be delivered. I relax, and let go and let the powers in charge take care of delivering my order. Do the same with the universe!

Ask. Place your order. Let go. Relax. Wait, eagerly expecting your order to arrive in the perfect time. Some people think they must ask again and again. You don’t. You ask once. Yes, affirm again and again how grateful you are that you now have it. Maintain your faith!

Ask Believing You Will Receive And You Shall Receive It – Believe

This point many miss. Act like you already have it! Feel the feelings of having it now, even before it arrives. Don’t notice the waiting, notice the enjoyment. Affirm having it and how good this feels. Napoleon Hill said, do it at least twice a day. Do it. Enjoy this!

You may be used to dealing with co-workers, bosses and employees whom you have had to ask again and again. That is people. I’m talking the universe, Source, your subconscious. Trust and rely on the process. Let go and let god. Allow your gifts to come. Expect!

‘See the things you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don’t fret and worry about them. Don’t think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, already in your possession.’ Robert Collier.

One Cannot Think Crooked And Walk Straight – Believe It Is Yours

Enjoy the quote. Put it into practice. Ask and keep the faith. Believe you will receive and you will receive. Without faith it is impossible. You will vacillate. With faith anything is possible. Ask, believe, and receive. That is how it works. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS When You Want To Change Consider Enrolling In Mind Design™

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What’s Stopping You’ is a life changing 22 minute audio MP3 that helps you go beyond limitations, break through obstacles and make positive changes to get the results you want! Get it! It is Free!

Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
When You Learn Self Control You Can Master Anything!

DO YOU WANT MENTORING AND COACHING ? Those interested in learning more, come join me now in Mind Design™! Send email or leave comments, but reach out NOW! New programs available.

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

The Secret To Making The Law Of Attraction Work For You!

“How you succeed is to think, feel, speak and act like you are already successful. You pretend and you rehearse. You become the successful you now, that you want to be in the future. You see your success, feel it, speak about it and live it now, as if you already are it.

You change your story. No longer tell of past or present disappointments. Stop complaining, whining, excusing and blaming. Seek only the good, the positive, the happy, the successful. Live it. Stop living as a victim of circumstances and live as a victor. NOW!

This IS how you transform. Many will learn this, far fewer will actually do it. Few people will leave their comfort zones to adventure in new territories. They want assurances. They want to know in advance it will work out and they will get what they seek.

You Don’t Attract It As Much As You Create It – You Cause It

The only assurance you will ever get is once you begin to begin to create your own happiness and success. When you take charge you will begin to notice the results. You must do it first in order to benefit. None can assure you. Action makes it happen, nothing else.

You can read all you want. That is great. It helps you to feel inspired and motivated but reading won’t change you. Only application will transform you. When you put the principles into practice and you become the successful, happy person, then you will know. Get it?

Rehearse! Act as if. Put a guard before your lips. Speak and think only to bless, heal, prosper, inspire and motivate. Be the change you want to become. Live in gratitude. Feel happy now. Feel abundant and rich. Feel healthy and fulfilled. Do it now. Feel thankful. Feel blessed. Feel powerful, positive and joyful. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
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How To Begin To Live Your Best Life Ever!

“I always attempt  to be  fair and willing to go against the grain when it is necessary.  WE never know how anything works out. Life is a process and we are in the middle of it. We are in the river and around the bend could be rapids or still water. We go with the flow.

Whether something is a good thing yet or not we just don’t know.  However, I believe, everything always works out given enough time. In the meantime and even then it is what it is. Whether it is good or bad is a result of my judgment on it since I can’t know everything.

We don’t know what we don’t know.  I expect things to work out for the best. I attempt to accept things as they are. I do embrace the Serenity Prayer. ‘Grant me the serenity to change the things I can, to accept the things I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference.’

The Brain And Mind Is As Strong As Its Weakest Think

I tend toward moderation in all things. I believe it is almost always a wise approach. Try to see both sides. The truth does not appear to be in the fringes or extremes. I am also, as much as I can be, willing to be wrong and revisit or review alternate answers. I like flowing!

I tend to adopt a wait and see attitude before calling something done. I have been wrong and I have been right. So, I don’t pretend to be infallible.  Mostly, I am curious. I do know that whatever I declare it to be, or believe it to be IS what it is for me. I suspend judgement.

Because I don’t know what I don’t know. I also affirm that there is more good than otherwise. I realize my expectations, perceptions and beliefs, my thoughts, words and actions shape my reality. So I imagine, conceive of, the most marvelous reality to create it.

You Become What You Think About – You Get What You Focus On

Instead of focusing on what is wrong, or what could go wrong I focus my attention on what is good, and positive and what I have to be thankful for. I attempt to live carefree and lighthearted. Therefore, I manage my thoughts, words and feelings.

Through practice it gets easier. I develop positive success habits that are now part of me. If I fall, I make sure I get up. If I injure another, I make sure to forgive myself, others and make amends. I seek to vibe high, be happy and create the best life ever. I know it is up to me.

Hence, I manage my thoughts and feelings. I attempt to change me instead of my circumstances because I know I can control or learn to control me but I can’t control others or circumstances. If I want things to change I begin by changing myself. It is solely up to me.

If It Is To Be It Is Up To Me – Create Your Best Life Ever

To do this I think the best thoughts. Visualize my ideal self and future. Affirm and declare it. Stay focused on the good I can create and act in accordance with this. I choose to feel my very best and to change it when I don’t. Step by step. I choose to vibe high!

I stay positive and optimistic. Gratitude is an incredible way to accomplish this. End judgement, stay open to receive good. AND I go first. I BE what I want to become. I act as if. I rehearse and practice successful thinking, feeling and acting. I am creating my life!

I practice gratitude and spend my days concentrated on being a better person. If I am not moving forward I am moving backwards. Life is motion so I make sure to get unstuck. I devote my mind to appreciation and finding the best in everything.

Look For The Gold – Dig For The Diamonds – Always See The Good

I actively look for the good, and feel thankful for both challenges and joyous times. I have come to realize it is what it is. All of it is a blessing! How marvelous it  is to be able to be alive and conscious to experience any of it. I know life can be a roller coaster hence it is never boring. It is a game and I play it for fun and enjoyment. Letting go I choose to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
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Condition Yourself For Success

“Condition yourself for success! It is  just as in exercise or weightlifting. One is weak at first but gets stronger the more one does it correctly. Visualize and  affirm the positive and you get better and better at it. Learn to shift away from the negative. It’s part of it.

Learning to shift away from the negative TO the positive IS a powerful part of the process! You learn to control your attention and focus. Do it! Happy trails.  Keep succeeding. Pay attention to the wins, not the other stuff. Energy flows where your attention goes.

Take charge and manage it! You absolutely can, in time. So, just keep doing it. While you practice these things be sure to practice gratefulness. Fill yourself with gratitude for small and large things. Find every opportunity to say THANK YOU to the universe! Delight in all things. You transform when you celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Good News: Affirmations Work! Bad News: You Don’t Know What You Are Doing!

I addressed the reason some people have difficulty working with affirmations over thirty years ago in an article ‘ Why Affirmations Don’t Work’. I share these principles in my works, Directed Questions™, the Attitude Activator™ and Mind Design™ training.

I had the very same problem most people do. I was getting much of what I don’t want and not very much of what I did want. I would make declarative statements and then feel like I was lying.  I’d engage in a big inner fight with myself.I struggled for years.

Then I had a major crisis in my life. As a result I locked myself in my apartment and didn’t leave for six weeks, while I sat in a chair, reciting affirmations. It was during this time I discovered the key to making affirmations work for me. They can work for you, too!

You Get What You Think About Most Frequently 

Here’s an important principle you must understand. We are always, already, getting whatever we affirm, though some people mostly manifest crap. That is because they affirm and discuss crap most of the time. Don’t think of affirmations as something positive.

Think of affirmations as something you do. An affirmation is a declaration. You can declare positively or negatively! Most people are expert at negative affirmations. They declare, and repeatedly declare, or affirm, what they don’t want, or would prefer to exclude.

So, that is what they keep ending up with! You must understand this. Whatever you give your attention to, YOU are focused on AND, you are affirming. Your attention is energy and you are either pouring energy into the positive or you are pouring it into the negative.

You And Your Results Are Your Mindset – Attitude Matters

Most people, most of the time, are pouring their energy into the negative. They talk, share and discuss their problems. They get caught up in gossip, negative and bad news in their daily life and in the media. It consumes most of their daily thinking times.

If they aren’t negative they are distracted, watching mindless TV or reality shows, playing electronic games or more. Little time is spent energizing and attending to what they want to make happen other that to hope and wish things would somehow change.

Wishing and hoping won’t help! So little time is spent on the positive. So much time is on negative. It is little wonder why people’s lives often suck. The reason people don’t make it work right for themselves is because they focus on the positive in fleeting ways.

Whether You Think You Can Or You Can’t You Are Right

Then spend the most all of their moments on the negative. Their focus and energy is negative. They’re out of balance. Your thinking preponderance has to shift from the negative to the positive. You get back what you spend most of your time doing! You must get this.

You have to understand that your circumstance and results come from how you think, believe and perceive things. In order to get better results and positive circumstances you have to change what you have been doing. You have been affirming the problems!

Stop and shift. Change your focus. It does require that you take charge and be willing to do what it takes to gain control over your own thought process and your life. It is simple. It is not always easy at first, but it gets easier but you must start if you want to change.

The Mind Is As Strong As Its Weakest Think – Think Positive

A good practice, is gratitude. Finding the good and appreciating in everything. Looking and seeking to find. It won’t come to you, you have to do it. If you want YOUR life to change YOU have to change some things you are doing. Begin by celebrating everything!” Rex Sikes

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‘What’s Stopping You?’ You’ll like my gift to you! ‘What’s Stopping You’ is a life changing 22 minute audio MP3 that helps you go beyond limitations, break through and make positive things happen! Get it! It is Free!

Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
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The Power Of Statements And Questions

“People ask wrong questions. People ask questions like ‘how long will this take’ rather than ‘how soon can I get it?’ ‘How come nothing ever works out’, instead of, ‘how soon will I discover everything always works out for the best, even if I don’t yet realize it?’

‘How come I am so stupid?’ They ask all sorts of ill phrased questions and make all sorts of ill phrased declarations such as ‘I’d die for chocolate’ or ‘that’s a real pain in the ass’ etc.  Remember, speak only to bless, heal and prosper, inspire and motivate yourself and others!

Most of people’s negative comments come charged with emotion and many of their positive ones are lackluster. Affirmations work when driven by large emotion negative or positive. Positive ones work best when you are enthused and passionate.

You Become What You Think About Most Often 

Many people experience negative problems and troubles because they affirm while angry and raging. Many create more negativity and problems because most of their moments are spent feeling negative, lots of other negative energy, they affirm it by what they say.

They declare the crap and so they continue to perpetuate the crap. Do you?  In order to transform yourself and your life the preponderance of your energy, your thoughts, feelings and words must shift from the negative to positive.

You get what you think about most frequently. Energy goes where your attention goes. Do you want to change? Would you like to transform? Are you stuck and need a new way to be? You can change! You will begin changing when you become positive, find the good, discover gratitude and celebrate everything.” Rex Sikes

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Access code is my name: rexsikes


‘What’s Stopping You?’ You’ll like my gift to you! ‘What’s Stopping You’ is a life changing 22 minute audio MP3 that helps you go beyond limitations, break through and make positive things happen! Get it! It is Free!

Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
When You Learn Self Control You Can Master Anything!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

Manage Your Mindset And Success Behaviors Will Follow

“Knowing who to listen to, and who not to, is important when it comes to making positive changes, developing good habits and becoming successful.  Not all information, or sources, is useful. Not all information is equal. You need to know who to listen to.

Selecting a good mentor is crucial. You want someone who has, or does, what you want and who has been where you are. If they come from a background similar to yours and accomplished what you want,  they may be a good mentor for you. Do you understand?

To achieve your goals define your goal. Clarify what you want. Make it a burning desire through visualizing and affirming each day. You must be driven, passionate and enthused by, and about, your goal. If it scares you a little, that is good. It stretches you. Get it?

What You Want To Do With Ease First You Do With Dilligence

Every day repeat your visualization and affirmations. In the old days this was called autosuggestion. I actually like this term. You continue to see yourself as already being it, doing it, having it. Tell yourself you you have made this happen until you firmly believe you will.

Keep it as the predominant thought/s in your mind. As you continue to do this you will begin to fashion a plan to accomplish what you want. This plan will change many times. That is okay. You never develop the perfect plan. You adjust it as you move forward.

Once you have defined your goals clearly, have it as a burning desire, and believe you can accomplish it, shift your focus to the very first step in your plan. You no longer have to focus on the goal.  Keep that in the background while you focus on achieving the steps.

If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right

You know what you want and you work the plan, step by step along the way. It is mindset first and  then behaviors follow.  Focus on getting mindset right and you will automatically do the right behaviors. You’ll adjust as necessary. It all works together.

If you focus on behaviors, or the steps, first you can end up spinning your wheels for a long, long time. Mindset is what organizes it all for you.  Mindset is 99% of the game. Behaviors, steps or actions are 1%. Do it correctly and you succeed.

If you’re focused on what to do you can end up getting nowhere fast. You can see this all the time. People being very busy but getting nowhere. Proper action follows the  proper mindset. This is why it is good to have the right mentor who can guide you well. Get it?

Action Is The Proper Fruit Of Knowledge – MindSet First

A mentor can’t do it for you, but if their journey is similar to yours, you can benefit from the mentor’s expertise. If your backgrounds are not similar they won’t be able to guide you properly. Wisdom in choosing who you listen to is key. Books can only get you so far.

Not all books are worth reading either. I recommend you read Napoleon Hill. His work stands the test of time. In Laws Of Success and Think And Grow Rich he explains how it works.  He describes mental process, the thoughts needed to encourage the behavior.

Napoleon Hill said, you focus on what you can control. That is your thoughts. Get your thinking right and all else will follow. That is why he titled the book THINK And Grow Rich, not work hard and grow rich. There is a fundamental, and important, difference in the successful approach. Learn it. Learn gratitude, too. When you do these, things will change for the better. Do it and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Access code is my name: rexsikes


‘What’s Stopping You?’ You’ll like my gift to you! ‘What’s Stopping You’ is a life changing 22 minute audio MP3 that helps you go beyond limitations, break through and make positive things happen! Get it! It is Free!

Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
When You Learn Self Control You Can Master Anything!

GET MENTORING AND COACHING Those interested in learning more, come join me now in Mind Design™! Send email or leave comments, but reach out NOW! New programs available.

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch